
User Guide


Feature 1

Displaying the list of current tasks.


list - Lists out the tasks.

list displays the current list of tasks you have stored.

Format: list

Expected outcome: List

Feature 2

Adding a todo task.


todo [description] - Adds a todo task to your list.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

Example: todo read book

Expected outcome: Adding todo task

Feature 3

Adding a event task.


event [description] /at DD/MM/YYYY HHMM - Adds a event task to your list with its date.

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at DATE

Example: event project meeting /at 30/9/2019 1400

Expected outcome: Adding event task

Feature 4

Adding a deadline task.


deadline [description] /at DD/MM/YYYY HHMM - Adds a deadline task to your list with its date.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE

Example: deadline finish homework /by 30/9/2019 2359

Expected outcome: Adding deadline task

Feature 5

Marking a task as done.


done [task_index] - Marks the task at task_index as done

Format: done TASK_INDEX

Example: done 1

Expected outcome: mark task 1 as done

Feature 6

Deleting a task.


delete [task_index] - Deletes the task at task_index.

Format: delete TASK_INDEX

Example: delete 1

Expected outcome: delete task 1

Feature 7

Finding a task.


find [keyword] - Finds all tasks containing the ‘keyword’.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example: find book

Expected outcome: find task